Engage with Cody Chapman
Cody Chapman
Design Strategist, Center for Insights to Outcomes
Cody Chapman is a design strategist at the Center for Insights to Outcomes, employing a blend of physical, digital, and strategic design to revolutionize health care delivery. Collaborating with CHTI staff and partners, they lead projects, cultivate stakeholder relationships, and drive new health care models from conception to implementation.
With a background as an industrial design and UX consultant for leading medical device manufacturers, startups, tech companies, and lifestyle brands, Cody brings a diverse set of skills and experience to reimagining health care. They graduated with a bachelor's in industrial design from Iowa State University in 2017.
More about Cody Chapman
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"Choose your corner, pick away at it carefully, intensely, and to the best of your ability, and that way you might change the world." - Ray Eames
"The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience."
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