CHTI is a center for – not of – innovation. Through flagship programs, coordinated training and mentorship, and educational tools, we energize and empower individuals on the frontlines to apply a disciplined, scientific approach to creating, evaluating, and implementing high-impact solutions.
Our Innovation Accelerator Program supports faculty and staff from across Penn Medicine in their efforts to develop, test, and implement new approaches to improve health care delivery and patient outcomes. Working closely with innovation advisors, teams selected to participate in the program move through multiple phases of work to validate solutions and bring successful innovations to scale at Penn Medicine and beyond.
The Penn PORTAL (Patient-Oriented Research and Training to Accelerate Learning) program is designed to advance progress toward an integrated learning health system (LHS) at Penn and in the wider Philadelphia region. Career development funding is available through two tracks: LHS Scientist Investigators and LHS Clinician Leaders. Applications for the 2024 cohorts are open through March 31.
The Nudge Unit hosts an annual symposium to share insights and lessons learned from implementing nudges in health care and build collaborations across health systems. The next Nudges in Health Care Symposium will be held in Philadelphia on September 26–27, 2024.
Research Studies
When you donate your data, you are helping us create a new way to understand health and well-being in this digital age. Join the 6,000+ people who have donated their data and become a part of our digital health community.
Learning Resources
Check out our design-thinking toolkit to learn more about how we leverage design thinking to solve complex problems in health care.
Created by CHTI staff, the Accelerators in Health Care card game leverages the power of analogies and constraints to help teams generate innovative solutions for some of the toughest challenges in health care. After cycling through co-creation, pitch, and idea selection stages, players leave the game with enhanced ideation skills and a deeper understanding of innovation methodology.
The University of Pennsylvania offers an online master's degree in health care innovation for individuals interested in learning how to influence policy, change behavior, improve operations, and apply innovation within their organization. Designed by the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, the Master of Health Care Innovation (MHCI) program connects working health care professionals worldwide to lead change.
Employment Opportunities
CHTI offers an exciting and fast-paced environment for motivated individuals interested in effecting systemic change across the health care industry. Visit our Work With Us page to learn more about openings for paid positions and other collaboration opportunities.