Jeff Ebert

Jeff Ebert

Engage with Jeff Ebert

Jeff Ebert

Director of Applied Behavioral Science, Nudge Unit

Jeff Ebert is the director of applied behavioral science at the Nudge Unit. Jeff provides leadership and social scientific expertise on federally funded research trials and health system interventions intended to increase adoption of evidence-based care, reduce accidental harm, and save lives through lasting behavior change. He also manages funding strategy for the Nudge Unit and oversees initiatives to implement best practices for research integrity, reproducibility, and equity.
Previously, Jeff served as research lead at a consulting startup, developing psychology-based interventions for a mobile app designed to help leaders and teams create new and better habits. His interest in the intersection of behavior and technology began at Swarthmore College, where he majored in psychology and minored in computer science. Jeff earned his doctorate in social psychology at Harvard University, where he published research on self-control, personal agency, and implicit bias.

More about Jeff Ebert

Healthier living leading to less need for medical care and equal access to personalized care when needed
Ben Franklin (Lin-Manuel said it best)
Impossible meats
“All questions are the frame into which the answers fall. By changing the frame, you dramatically change the range of possible solutions.” - Tina Seelig
New Zealand
I can write (but not perform) raps
Running, climbing, and crafting herbal elixirs
