Krisda Chaiyachati
Krisda Chaiyachati is an alum of the T-GAPP program. He completed his medical degree at the University of Michigan School of Medicine and his internal medicine training in Yale's Primary Care Residency Program. He holds a master's degree in public health from the Harvard School of Public Health and a master's degree in health policy research from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Chaiyachati designs, studies, and implements innovative strategies for addressing social barriers to care and improving the accessibility of health care so that population health goals can be achieved. A major theme of his research is understanding how health outcomes for low-income and minority populations are affected by improving access to social services or redesigning more accessible health care. He fundamentally believes that health care delivered solely through conventional face-to-face visits will be unscalable, inaccessible, and perpetuate historic disparities facing low-income and minority patients.