Shivan Mehta named Distinguished Investigator by the Association for Clinical and Translational Science

Shivan Mehta, MD, MBA, MSHP, associate chief innovation officer at Penn Medicine, was honored with the 2024 Association for Clinical and Translational Sciences (ACTS) Distinguished Investigator Award for Translation From Proof-of-Concept to Widespread Clinical Practice. As described by the ACTS, the award is given to a “senior investigator whose innovative research or education leadership has had a major impact on or through clinical and translational science, specifically in the realm of implementation and dissemination of translational solutions to illness and clinical problems.”
Mehta co-leads Penn Medicine’s Center for Health Care Transformation and Innovation and is the faculty director of the Population Health Lab, an associate professor, and a gastroenterologist. He has led and evaluated more than 30 pragmatic trials of health care delivery that leverage behavioral science, care redesign, and information technology to improve population health outcomes in areas such as colorectal cancer screening, hypertension management, breast cancer screening, hepatitis C screening, and vaccine outreach.
ACTS is a national professional organization of translational scientists from leading academic medical centers. Each year, the ACTS Translational Science Awards recognize investigators for excellence in the field of translational science. The 2024 award recipients were honored on April 3 as part of the 2024 Translational Science meeting in Las Vegas.