Enteral nutrition care after discharge: barriers and solutions
In a new report, authors from five health systems outline barriers to providing enteral nutrition care after discharge and share solutions.

Clinicians pitch EHR improvements at Penn Medicine hackathon
Participants of a January “hackathon” hosted by the Department of Medicine identified care delivery issues and proposed concrete ways to overcome them with changes to Penn Medicine’s electronic health record.

Text messaging study solicits race-focused patient experiences with emergency care
Ten percent of Black patients said their race negatively impacted their care at the emergency department. A Q&A with Anish Agarwal outlines the motivations, key findings, and implications of the research.

January 2023 Month in Review
Each month, we round up news stories and publications about work happening across CHCI. Read the latest issue and subscribe to have the Month in Review sent directly to your inbox.

How machine learning and nudges can alter end-of-life care
An intervention leveraging nudges and machine learning increased serious illness conversations between cancer patients and their providers.