Nudges to clinicians boost statin prescribing, but patient nudges alone fall short
Clinician-facing nudges, with or without patient nudges, raised statin prescription rates during primary care visits, but patient nudges alone did not.

Spotlight on: Anna U. Morgan
Meet Anna Morgan, who leads with pragmatism and empathy on a slew of innovation projects, including the high-impact COVID Watch program.

Study investigates consumer perceptions of digital health data usage
A recent study found that consumers in the United States tended to have higher confidence in clinical and research-based organizations and public institutions but lower confidence in digital tech and health care companies.

Will it scale? Webinar addresses pitfalls and opportunities around intervention scaling
At the Nudge Unit webinar “Designing for Scale," economist John List and behavioral and implementation science experts discussed key ideas around scaling.

Spotlight on: Anuja Dokras
Meet Anuja Dokras, a constant learner who is leading efforts to augment care for women across the lifespan.