December 2023 Month in Review
Each month, we round up news stories and publications about work happening across CHTI. Read the latest issue and subscribe to have the Month in Review sent directly to your inbox.

Liver cancer screening rate doubled with mailed order
Patients with cirrhosis or advanced fibrosis, who are at higher risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), were twice as likely to complete an HCC screening if they were mailed a letter with a signed ultrasound order compared to being offered a screening only during an office visit. An unconditional $20 incentive in the mailed letter did not change screening rates further.

Tiny flaps, big waves: Drawing parallels between the butterfly effect and health care innovation
Krishleen Kaur Kohli reflects on a year of immersion and discovery with the Penn Medicine Nudge Unit.

Spotlight on: Corie Rhodes
Meet Corie Rhodes, a physician shaping quality improvement initiatives across Penn Medicine Primary Care.

More mammograms completed with EHR self-scheduling
Mammogram completion rose by 13 percentage points when patients had the ability to self-schedule a screening through the electronic health record portal. The research supports self-scheduling – a low-cost, scalable intervention that reduces friction in care pathways and increases patient autonomy – as a means to improve screening completion rates.