Older Black couple reviews paperwork

Many public benefits go unclaimed by emergency care patients

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Researchers led by CHTI's Austin Kilaru found that emergency department (ED) patients with public or no health insurance were often eligible for unclaimed state or federal benefits, and that many patients were interested in getting help from a hospital-based team to apply for their missing benefits. Upcoming work will test strategies to connect ED patients with such benefits.

Way to health logo with text "release notes" with wrench icons in the background

Release notes April 3, 2024

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Read Way to Health updates on participant upload configurations and multiple phone numbers.

Shivan Mehta

Shivan Mehta named Distinguished Investigator by the Association for Clinical and Translational Science

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Shivan Mehta was recognized for his work leading research, implementation, and broad application of clinical solutions in areas such as cancer screening, vaccine outreach, and hypertension management.

Graph showing I-usage differences among Black and white users

Machine learning models fail to predict depression in Black social media users

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A study by CHTI's Sharath Guntuku and colleagues found that computational models trained to detect depression from social media posts failed to predict depression among Black users. The researchers identified race-based differences in the expression of depression and underscored the need to understand such differences before these AI methods are used in clinical practice.

Scott Halpern, Meghan Lane-Fall, and Kit Delgado's headshots with the Penn PORTAL logo beneath

PORTAL program will advance "learning health system" science at Penn

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Funded by a $5 million grant, the Penn PORTAL program will support training and research to accelerate "learning health system" science – in which internal data and experience are integrated with external evidence, and that knowledge is put into practice – at Penn Medicine and in the wider Philadelphia region. Nudge Unit faculty director Kit Delgado is a co-lead of the program, and the Nudge Unit will provide guidance on innovation management and design strategy for PORTAL pilots.