Small gifts for hospital patients bring big smiles
The PennHOPES program, supported by CHTI, aims to brighten the experiences of patients by reimbursing providers for small, personal gifts purchased for patients with long hospital stays.

Black patients weigh in on racism in emergency care
Interviewing Black patients about their perspectives on race and racism in the context of emergency care, researchers identified prevalent themes such as mistrust in the medical system and personal experiences with racism. Insights from the study can direct future work to create antiracist cultures in the emergency department and other care settings.

Release notes February 2024
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Technologies and touchpoints advancing maternal health equity
CHTI Innovation Accelerator alumni Healing at Home and Heart Safe Motherhood, which leverage text messaging and remote monitoring, are among several Penn Medicine initiatives that promote better health outcomes and reduce disparities in care delivery for parents in the "fourth trimester."

AI-enabled projects chosen for new Innovation Accelerator class
The 2024 Innovation Accelerator Program winners are eyeSITE, which will deploy cameras with AI-enabled image analysis to prevent blindness among diabetic patients, and C3P3, which will use natural language processing to interpret cervical cancer screening reports faster and more accurately. Seven additional teams will receive other forms of support from CHTI.